On Wednesday, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal (R) and his pro-gun cronies donned their best "happy-we" grins as the Governor signed their state's new gun bill into law. While the provision to allow guns on college campuses was removed, in Georgia it is now legal to carry a gun into an airport (in the unrestricted areas), some government buildings (but not the State Capitol--have to protect the legislators even if the clerk at the license bureau is on her own), in K-12 public schools (employees only), and in bars and churches. More on the bill here: http://whateyethynk-politics.blogspot.com/2014/03/georgia-passes-new-gun-law-creates-new.html After the signing, State Representative Mickey Stephens (D) had this to say: "I want to know what kind of religion these guys practice that they have to carry a gun to church."
What kind of religion indeed. The Saint Wayne LaPierre, Church of NRA Money perhaps?
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