Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23 - Monday Quote

Because I have always loved Dr. Seuss...maybe because my mother thought his books were stupid and wouldn't let me bring them home from the library, so I read every one I could find while hiding in the stacks on Saturday mornings. 

monday quote:  Adults are obsolete children. (Dr. Seuss 1904-1991)


  1. it's not that ALL 'Adult's' don't get it. Some do. Some are more practical than others.
    Mine were a wonderful mixture of practicality and 'dreamer'.
    I had a discussion about something very similar this morning with a Civil Engineer.
    I brought up a question that focused on science. He (the engineer) said that "engineers oft times challenge science." He had a 'look' in his eye that bordered on 'condescending' when he said it.
    I asked it if this was because engineers deal with 'knowns' and science dealt with the 'unknown', or theories. He answered in the affirmative.
    Then I asked if Einstein was a scientist or an engineer. I knew, but asked anyway.
    He hesitated and, finally, said, "Einstein's Theory was just that; a theory. I responded by saying that Einstein was Physicist, teacher, a mathmatician. I mentioned E=mc2.
    I was trying to make my point about the value of being a 'dreamer' vs. 'practicality'. He refused to budge. What can you expect from an 'engineer'.
    I tend to lean more the 'dreamer' side and enjoy it there. Your mother should have been an engineer.

  2. One could almost say that the exploration of scientific theory gives us absolute known facts. Engineers should know that once you understand physics, anything is possible. :)
