Sunday, May 6, 2012

Our Shameful Environmental Record Continues

Canada has introduced legislation to protect 150 million acres, (roughly the size of France), of forest north of Quebec from industrial development.  This protection would prohibit logging, mining and oil exploration.  It is expected to pass.

what eye thynk: Once again, another country is taking the lead on environmental issues, leaving us further isolated in our intransigence.

Green forests are one of the most efficient ways to clean carbon based pollutants from our air, and it costs nothing. Yet, here we are in the US, talking about allowing oil drilling in our national parks!

In Ohio, our governor wants to allow drilling and fracking in our state parks. I can just see the ads now: "Be the first to camp next to our latest fracking operation! Hear the noise! Smell the pollution! See the trucks passing right by your tent flap! Experience the power and roaring sounds! Imagine the excitement of waiting for the resulting earthquake! Don’t miss out, make your reservation today!"

All this to aid the big oil companies in their never ending pursuit of the almighty dollar.  When do we say "ENOUGH!"?

1 comment:

  1. We do indeed have to say "enough". And we need to do everything we can to support all the alternatives available, for that alone will completely take the wind out of the sails of the oil,gas, and coal companies. They thrive because most of us are still addicts to their goods.
