Monday, June 25, 2012

Michigan, the State that Made "Vagina" Into a Four-Letter Word

No Monday Quote this week; I thought I’d share this instead...

Last Thursday, Michigan State Representative Lisa Brown (D) was barred from speaking on the House floor as punishment for using the word “vagina” the previous day while speaking out against a proposed anti-abortion bill. Her exact words were “"I'm flattered you're all so concerned about my vagina. But no means no." Republican State Representative Mike Callton found Ms. Brown’s comments “offensive“, going on to say “I don’t even want to say it in front of women. I would not say that in mixed company”.

what eye thynk: I actually feel a little sorry for Mike Callton. He appears to have the same emotional/sexual maturity of your average twelve year old; you know, the ones who can’t say “it” out loud so they giggle over some smutty euphemism instead.

As Representative Brown said in a later interview, “If I can’t say vagina, why are we legislating vaginas? What word should I use?” It should be pointed out that the 50 page anti-abortion bill that she was debating, (and which eventually passed the House 70-39), uses the word “vagina” three times in the text. Perhaps Mr. Callton’s staff had the word redacted from his copy of the bill so as to save him from such distressing exposure?

As a side note, State Representative Barb Byrum, (D) also found herself barred from speaking after she tried to introduce an amendment to the same anti-abortion bill that would have banned vasectomies unless the man’s life was at risk. (Apparently she didn’t get the memo that, in today's political arena, birth control is to be considered a female-only issue. The sanctity of male freedom to choose is not open for debate.)

Someone needs to explain to Representative Callton that, while he may be offended by the word, it is really just a word…like penis…or idiot.

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