Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6 - Monday Quote

If only we could get Mitt and the rest of the 1% to be more in touch with their inner patriot...

monday quote: While some people might find it distasteful to pay taxes, I don't. I find it patriotic. (Mark Cuban, Am. Businessman 1958-   )

1 comment:

  1. I served in the military, then went on to serve my country as a law enforcement officer for most of my adult life. I did these things for two reasons: because it is expected of me, as a citizen of the United State of America and because I am a Patriot.
    A lot of folks are talking about Patriotism these days. Many are practicing it. All you need do is look at the girls and boys who have been volunteering by the thousands since 9/11. Many of these young heroes (and make no mistake about that: they are heroes)have given much. Many have given all.
    So when I hear that some selfish rich ass bastard who made his/her money in this great land of ours and cannot see their way to pay a tax that is fair and equitable, one that will pay for the military, one that will pay for the education of these heroes and their families, one that will keep our infrastructure sound for decades to come, I get pissed. He or she is lying when they say they are Americans! He or she is lying wshen they claim Patriotism. Especially when not one of them was willing to shed a drop of that 'blue' blood in defense of this country. They can, and probably will, go to hell.
