Thursday, November 22, 2012

Eye Recommend --- So Much for Mr. Reasonable


"Two weeks ago John Boehner called himself 'the most reasonable, responsible person here in Washington' and acknowledged that President Obama's re-election solidified the ACA as 'the law of the land'.  Yesterday, Mr. Boehner demanded that 'Obamacare' must be included in any budget/debt reduction talks. 'We can't afford it...That's why I've been clear that the law has to stay on the table as both parties discuss ways to solve our nation's massive debt challenge.'"

Reasonable to clueless in fourteen days.  Let's hear it for John Boehner!

1 comment:

  1. Boehner is a puppet. Just like rest of the Koch Bros greater family of hate.
    Boehner is following the script issued daily (issued daily because their 'truth' changes so frequently) by them so that all of these followers (Boehner, Walker, Kasich, Husted, Scott, McDonnell, and Kentuckys' Mitch McConnel are on the same [lying] page.
    There are more such puppets with their hands out to handle the large amounts of money given them by the Kochs, I just can't think of them right now.
    Seems that David & Richard Koch want the best racially controlled government money can buy.
    As a side note on these two very wealthy men, they sued their own brothers over their interests in the business in the 80's and 90's. Nice group don't you think?
