Saturday, January 11, 2014

Quick Fact(s): Marriage Equality News in Utah and Indiana

And the marriage equality fight continues... 

Utah - One Step Backward, One Step Forward
The Supreme Court granted the State of Utah's request this week to stop same-sex marriages from continuing while the case is being litigated.  Utah's Attorney General Sean D. Reyes announced that Utah would not recognize the approximately 1300 same sex unions performed in the 17 days since U.S. District Judge Robert Shelby ruled that Utah's ban on such marriages was unconstitutional.  

However, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. said that these couples WILL be recognized by all federal agencies.  This makes them eligible for federal health care benefits and spousal social security benefits and allows them to file their federal tax return as a married couple.

Indiana - One (Attempted) Step Backward
State Representative Eric Turner (R) will introduce a bill in the Indiana legislature to add a gay marriage ban to the state constitution.  He also wants to limit benefits for same sex couples.  It is unclear whether he expects this benefit ban to prevent same sex couples from getting federal benefits already granted by the Supreme Court.  

The legislature must approve Mr. Turner's bills within the next few weeks and then present them to the citizens of Indiana during the November election before any changes can be made law.
For now, the number of states permitting same sex marriage is stuck at 17 1/2. Progress is slow, but steady; though it is frustrating that Republican led states like Indiana still seem to have their heads stuck in a vintage 1950s sandbox.

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