Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22 - Monday Quote

Recently, someone asked me why I decided to write a politically oriented blog; and more specifically, since nothing seems to change, why I bother to write every day.  My answer wasn't nearly as perfect as this...

monday quote:  Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. (Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights leader and clergyman, 1929-1968)

1 comment:

  1. His voice had to be heard; ergo, so does yours. Some may dissent, some will have been provoked to think, and others read and nod their collective heads in agreement.
    I don't agree with everything you write. If I did, your job as a 'political provocateur' failed. You pick scabs and open topics others would prefer you not. Which is exactly why you must.
