Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Republicans Say the Darndest Things: One Legislator, Three Targets

Oklahoma State Representative
Sally Kern (R)

Ms. Kern appears to be an equal-opportunity hater.

On Homosexuality:  "Homosexuality is more dangerous than terrorist attacks."

With that thought on her little mind, she has proposed three pieces of anti-gay legislation:
  1. Preservation and Sovereignty of Marriage Act (H.B.1599) - would prohibit taxpayer money or government salaries from being used in "the licensing or support of same-sex marriage."  Further, no state or local employee would be permitted to "officially recognize, grant or enforce a same-sex marriage license."  Doing so would mean the official would no longer "continue to receive a salary, pension or other employee benefit."  She completes her campaign of total annihilation by saying that any judge who violates this law could be removed from office.
  2. Freedom to Obtain Conversion Therapy Act (H.B.1598) - would prohibit the state from interfering with a parent's choice to obtain conversion therapy for their gay child.
  3. (H.B.1597) - would give any business in Oklahoma the right to refuse to serve any gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender person or organization.
Never mind that same-sex marriage is now legal in Oklahoma.  Let's waste time trying to pass laws that would punish people who comply.  I call this the Republican Roadblock Plan--you know, where something is legal, (like abortion), but you don't like it so you try to stop it by passing laws that make following the law impossible.
On Minorities:  "We have a high percentage of blacks in prison, and that's tragic, but are they in prison just because they are black or because they don't want to study hard in school?  I've taught school, and I saw a lot of people of color who didn't study hard because they said the government would take care of them."
I live in a poor, mixed-race, inner-city neighborhood and believe me, I've seen a lot of this "I don't need no education" attitude--and, in my experience, it is not exclusively a minority notion.  Minorities--and everyone else--she was charged with teaching are better off without her in the classroom.
On Women and Equal Pay:  "Women usually don't want to work as hard as a man.  Women tend to think a little bit more about their family, wanting to be home more time, wanting to have a little more leisure time."
Since Ms. Kern is obviously a woman, does this mean that the state of Oklahoma is paying her a full salary but she is not working hard enough to earn it?  Will she be refunding the part of her salary wasted on not working too hard or thinking about her family too much or wishing she were home or hoping for more leisure time? 
Or maybe she figures it all equals out in the end since she deserves a bonus for providing so much hate-filled fodder for her fellow Republicans to treasure? 

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