Monday, November 23, 2015

Unfundamentalist "Christians"(?)

  I young friend of mine posted this on his Facebook page this morning.

what eye thynk:  It came from a group named "Unfundamentalist Christians," which I think is a misnomer.

I'd call it typical Republican logic.  The reason it became "Unfundamentalist Christians" is the way the Republican Party is trying to shove a brand of conservative, evangelical Christianity down our throats.  They have made it such a large and loud part of their party's ideology that Republican opinion and "Christian" opinion are becoming the same thing in the public's perception. 

The more open and accepting (and unfortunately quieter) Christian churches all become painted with the same brush--just as all Muslims are being painted the color of Islamic jihadists.  It's an unfortunate example of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease."

To change that perception, we need to be as loud as the current Republican Party.  We need to shout them down by voting them out.

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