Saturday, March 31, 2012

If Romney is the King, We are the Ants

A few weeks ago, I watched an interview with Mitt Romney in which I heard him say “Planned Parenthood? We want to get rid of that”. In a recent campaign appearance, he was asked about the Supreme Court hearings on the Affordable Care Act. He said “ If they find it unconstitutional and strike down the legislation, why, they would have done us all a great service”.

what eye thynk: His remark about the dissolution of Planned Parenthood was made even worse by the casualness with which he threw it out. Those women who depend on PP for common medical procedures like PAP smears and breast exams were spoken of as a minor irritant easily dismissed and forgotten. And, in regard to the Affordable Care Act, exactly who is this “us all” he is talking about?

Until recently I would have thought such callousness unimaginable; but I guess if you have a 250 million dollar nest egg and are currently in the full-time employ of the Koch brothers, there just isn’t much incentive to look down to see who you’re stepping on.

There are millions of American families without health insurance who live every day knowing they are just one serious illness or accident away from losing everything they have. There are millions of families already living with the reality of a serious illness who are denied health insurance simply because of their need. I sincerely doubt that any of these people would consider the sundering of the ACA a “great service”.

The ACA isn’t perfect, but it is the best chance we have to finally step up and join the rest of the free world in making health care available to everyone.

For now, we just have to wait and hope that the Supreme Court will rise above politics.

1 comment:

  1. Romney's, and the entire republican party's, complete and total disregard for womens health care amazes me. And, I'm a man!
    You're right, we're just bugs under his shoe.
