Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Romneys' Out-of-Touch-itis and Me

I saw an interview with Mrs. Romney on TV last night.  I think it was recorded over the previous week-end.  In it, she states that she doesn't "feel rich" because it could all be gone some day.

what eye thynk:  Let's see, the Romneys are supposed to be worth 250 million dollars.  If Mitt lost one of his $10,000 bets today and continued to lose a $10,000 bet every day going forward, it would take him until 2080, (68 1/2 years!) to lose it all. 

If I lost $10,000 a day, I'd be bankrupt by next week.  Maybe we have more in common than I thought.  I don't "feel rich" either. 

1 comment:

  1. This is about the disconnect between the "have-a-lots" and the "don't-have-lots". Funny thing is, Mrs. Romney's philosophy flies in the face of the typical rich conservative carrot-and-stick paradigm. The 1% are constantly trying to appease the rest of us with that old line of, "just work hard and someday you can all be just like us". Funny thing is the stick is connected to our heads and without selling our souls and screwing a lot of people and forsaking any sense of humanity and decency, we won't break the stick and get there and "have it all". It is commendable that she realizes that all that is material, including any form of earthly riches, is temporal and subject to loss, but it is easy to stand on that on when one is not really in much danger of having basic life needs taken away any time soon (let alone luxuries).
