Saturday, September 1, 2012

Eye Recommend --- Letter to the Editor

A LETTER TO THE EDITOR, NYTimes -- I'm reproducing this in its entirety.  It is a succinct and well written letter.  Wish I'd written it myself: 

     I am a member of President Obama’s base of supporters. I am disappointed in him because of his failure to sell his achievements to the American people. He inherited two wars and the worst recession since the Great Depression. He also inherited a Congress that was more interested in getting re-elected than in working in the best interests of the American people.
     We have a Supreme Court that feels money is the equivalent of free speech, and so more money is being spent in this election than in any previous election. This money is being spent by both parties to spread lies and half-truths.
     I do not like the America envisioned by Mitt Romney and Paul D. Ryan, in which taxes are cut and there is no safety net for the poor, weak and disabled except for private charities — and in which the primary motive for Americans is to accumulate wealth with no regard for our climate, for the health and education of our children or for the rest of the world.
Newton, Mass., Aug. 31, 2012

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