Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hate is Not a Positive Attribute. Someone Tell Romney

A few days ago, The Boston Globe reported on Mitt Romney's treatment of Massachusetts gay couples during his tenure as governor in an article titled ROMNEY REJECTED NEW BIRTH CERTIFICATES FOR GAY PARENTS, by Murray Waal.
“It seemed like a minor adjustment. To comply with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruling that legalized gay marriage in 2003, the state Registry of Vital Records and Statistics said it needed to revise its birth certificate forms for babies born to same-sex couples. The box for “father” would be relabeled “father or second parent,’’ reflecting the new law. But to then-Governor Mitt Romney, who opposed child-rearing by gay couples, the proposal symbolized unacceptable changes in traditional family structures.

He rejected the Registry of Vital Records plan and insisted that his top legal staff individually review the circumstances of every birth to same-sex parents. Only after winning approval from Romney’s lawyers could hospital officials and town clerks across the state be permitted to cross out by hand the word “father’’ on individual birth certificates, and then write in “second parent,’’ in ink.”
A good summary of the issue was reported by Michelangelo Signorite here:

what eye thynk: This sickens me. And it frightens me.

I found the original Boston Globe story so over-the-top-hateful that I couldn't believe this was entirely factual, so I did a lot of investigating. The whole situation was widely reported at the time, especially in Massachusetts, and all the facts seem to match. I found numerous references to Romney’s quote on gay families: “Some gays are actually having children. It’s not right on paper. It’s not right in fact”.   I even found one reported instance where a married, heterosexual woman became the surrogate for a gay male couple. Despite the fact that one of the male partners was the sperm donor, Romney's staff insisted that the surrogate mother's husband be listed as the father on the birth certificate.

This negative stance on surrogacy matches the Mormon church’s policies which state that surrogacy is “discouraged”.  Apparently, Mitt saw himself as the self-appointed surrogacy cop whose mission was to keep the infidel from propagating. (Of course, if you happen to be one of Mitt’s off-spring, having two children by surrogacy will yield no church sanctions. Apparently the rules are different for royalty.)

If you are planning to vote for Mitt Romney because you think he will protect your interests, think about this fact: during his Massachusetts gubernatorial campaign, he promised to stand up for the rights of that state’s LGTB community. How protected do you think those gay parents felt after they helped to elect him?

A man who is so adept at concealing the malignancy that is his soul should not be rewarded with the Presidency of the United States of my America. We are more than this.  We are better. We are straight and gay, black, brown, red, yellow and white, old and young, male and female. We are the huddled masses, and we ALL yearn to breathe free.

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