Thursday, December 13, 2012

Republicans Think We're Stupid. It's Time the American Worker Gave Them an Education.

Thanks to a Republican led legislature and a Republican governor, Michigan is now a right to work state.

An interesting fact that seemed to get lost in all the hoopla, is that prior to this new legislation being passed, Michigan's constitution already granted workers the right to refuse to join a union as a condition for employment.  If a worker was willing to accept lower wages and fewer benefits than his union co-worker, he could not be denied a job based on his union status.  At the same time, a worker could not benefit from the rights granted through a union contract without contributing to the union in the form of dues.

what eye thynk:  That seemed fair to me.  If you don't want to pay for the fight, then you shouldn't gain from the victory.  But "fair" is not a word with which the Republican party has any meaningful relationship.

Right to work laws are, plain and simple, union busting tactics designed to increase corporate profits at the cost of the average American worker.  And increased corporate profits mean more money in Republican re-election coffers.

American workers in the next job generation are looking at downward mobility for the first time since World War II, while corporate profits and executive salaries and bonuses are higher than ever before. 

The Republican party apparently thinks we are stupid--too dim-witted to notice the growing disparity, too pin-headed to realize we are financing it, too weak-minded to ever resent our reduced status. 

They seem to believe that there will be no worker backlash in the 2014 election.  Now THAT'S stupid. 

1 comment:

  1. Yepper. They tried to fool us in this last Presidential race and it didn't work and they took a beating.
    Now the dummies, AKA: Republicans, are setting themselves up for a second beating come next election.
    It was Albert Einstein who said, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.".
