Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Santorum is Evil, Senate Republicans are Lemmings, and We are All Victims

The Senate failed to ratify the U.N. Rights of People With Disabilities Treaty. Despite the fact that Bob Dole was brought into the Senate chamber and sat in his wheelchair facing the Senators as they voted, only eight Republicans could be convinced to vote for it, even though it changes absolutely nothing--zero--in the United States.

Read my original post here:

what eye thynk:    This can only result in the weakening of our position as a world leader in the defense of human rights; but the Republican Party has chosen instead to rally around a U.N. conspiracy theory created entirely out of conservative manufactured whole cloth. Someday, in the not that distant future, when we wake up to find ourselves sidelined in world event decisions, we can thank these close-minded, small thinking, evil-hearted and self-important fools for our seat on the outside.

Rick Santorum, who is no longer a member of Congress, helped to rally Senate Republicans against this treaty by claiming that “critical health-care decisions for a child with a disability” would be turned over to a “faceless and distant United Nations bureaucrat”. How anyone in their right mind would believe that the U.S. would turn the care of our children over to any outside entity is beyond me; but that is exactly what has happened.

I was reading citizen's comments about the Senate’s stand against the treaty this morning and, while many were as appalled as I am, I was amazed at the number of people who were willingly drinking the Santorum kool-aid on this. One woman wrote that she has a disabled child and her ability to discuss his care with her doctor is what keeps her sane. She thanked Santorum for leading the fight against this new treaty. Another praised the Senate for protecting his rights as a husband to continue to make his own decisions about his disabled wife’s care.

It is frightening to me that so many people are so easily lied to; but it is even more frightening that we elect men and women who are proud to be the ones doing the lying. 

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