Saturday, April 6, 2013

Quick Fact: North Carolina Wants to Raise Taxes on Families with Students in College

A new attack on voting rights is in the works in North Carolina.  State Representative Bill Cook (R) has introduced a bill that will effectively raise state income tax rates for parents of college students who live on campus and register to vote there.

The bill reads, in part: "If the voter is (claimed as) a dependent...and the voter has registered at an address other than that of the parent or legal guardian, the parent or legal guardian will not be allowed to claim the voter as a dependent for state income tax purposes."

Given the sacrifices families make to pay for their child's college education and the amount of money that a college education costs these days, can anyone possibly believe a college student is not a dependent?  This bill is nothing but a thinly veiled attempt to intimidate young voters, who largely vote Democrat, into not registering to vote.  Just another shady way of keeping Democratic voters from the polls and tweaking the voting population to favor the Republican Party.

1 comment:

  1. The Republican Party, parent to the Tea Party, staunch defenders of the Constitution of The United States of America, seems to be doing everything it can to eliminate one of the most sacred aspects of freedom; the ability of the electorate to select a candidate of their choosing.
    Until recently, like many Americans, I believed it was a Constitutional Right and was surprised to learn it wasn't. There is no "Right to Vote" Amendment in there.
    Upon learning this, and seeing what states like Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Florida, and some I can't remember, are doing to restrict voting by minorities (i.e. not white, male, and rich)it gets clearer and clearer that the rich white guys have decided that we are not capable of running our own country.
    Michigan is doing the same thing there on a statewide level.
    Hang on to your hats boys and girls, it's looks like another storm is coming our way.
