Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Shame! Shame! Shame!

Today, Wednesday April 17, 2013, the Senate could not garner 60 votes to pass a bi-partisan compromise on background checks for gun buyers.  The other contested regulations agreed on in a bi-partisan Senate committee--an assault weapons ban, a limit on magazine size, even harsher punishment for illegal gun traffickers, (which even the NRA supported)--were all defeated.

what eye thynk:   I cannot express the disgust and shame I feel for my country right now.   Americans speak and our Congress is deaf to our voice.  They hear only NRA money. 

The full text of the President's response can be read here:


  1. Sen. Brown voted in favor of background checks and the illustrious Sen.Portman voted against them. Think I shall have to call Portman's office tomorrow and give them an earful. This was an embarrassing slap in the face to civilization and the advancement of peace. Would love to know how much of Portman's re-election campaign coffers were filled by the gun lobby as a whole.
    And let's not forget the apparent defeat of the bans on both assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Yes, President Obama, a shameful day for Washington, but a shameful day for America as well. May these issues rise again soon and find success.

  2. I wrote to Mr. Portman's office this evening telling him how ashamed I was of his representation of my state and offering the sincere promise to do everything in my power make this his last term in office.
