Sunday, May 26, 2013

Quick Fact: Conservatives Need a Pettiness-ectomy

From the the conservative New York Post on May 17:

Sarah Palin:  "Mr. President, when it rains it pours, but most Americans hold their own umbrellas."

Move America Forward, a conservative PAC, put out a fundraising e-mail about the President asking a marine to hold an umbrella for him.

The Daily Caller, a conservative news site:  "The commander in chief of the American armed forces today forced a violation of Marine Corps regulations, so he wouldn't get wet." 

Global Post, a conservative news site:  "Here's a fun fact:  American Marines can't hold umbrellas...It's a rule that President Barack Obama obviously didn't know when he asked two strapping young soldiers to hold umbrellas over his head and that of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday."

Other conservative sources called it "shocking and disgusting".  One said the President was trying to "humiliate" the Marine Corps; another said she had "learned of one more reason to impeach the Kenyan imposter."

Well, here's the truth:  Male Marines are not permitted to carry umbrellas while in dress uniform. Female Marines are permitted to carry plain black umbrellas in their left hand.  The Marine manual also says that Marines "shall perform such other duties as the President may direct."

When asked if this meant holding an umbrella for the President, a Marine spokesman answered, "Certainly."

It's not like this is the first time a President has ever been protected by an umbrella held by a member of our Armed Forces.  May I offer this as proof:

Republicans will try to make anything into a scandal, but this takes their pettiness to a new low.

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