Saturday, November 9, 2013

"Our" White House and the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity

On Tuesday, Michelle Obama hosted an event in honor of Diwali, the Hindu "festival of lights." 

Diwali honors Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity. During the five day festival, Hindu families will leave the windows and doors of their homes open and light small earthenware oil lamps called diyas to help the goddess find her way inside.

Bryan Fischer, Director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy at the ultra-conservative organization American Family Association, was appalled that the White House would host such an event saying that "a doctrine of demons" is being celebrated there. 

what eye thynk:  Apparently Mr. Fischer doesn't believe that cultural diversity is something to be celebrated or that the 2.29 million Hindus living in this country should be recognized by our first family.  It is Christians like Mr. Fischer who give Christianity a bad name.

On a message board discussing this issue, I found this comment:  "That's our Whitehouse (sic) not theirs and we should have a say about this abomination."  This poster seem to believe that Christians hold exclusive title to the home of our President. 

Yes, it is "our" White House, but by "our" I mean it is a symbol of America belonging to all Americans...and, yes, that includes American Hindus.  

Thankfully, mainstream Christians are aware that the Crusades are over and that the Inquisition was not a proud moment in their history.

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