Sunday, March 30, 2014

Quick Note: Chris Christie Self-Exonerates, Renews His Presidential Availability

So, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie personally chooses and hires a law firm--with taxpayer money--to perform an internal investigation on last September's closing of the George Washington bridge and the law firm finds Mr. Christie totally innocent of any wrongdoing.
Bridget Kelly chose not to talk to Mr. Christie's handpicked investigators, so any information that could have been gleaned from such a central figure in the scandal was not considered.

David Wildstein did speak to the investigating team telling them that he spoke to Mr. Christie about the traffic problems when they met at a public event and while the problems were still going on.  Mr. Christie said he did not recall this.  The investigating team conceded that Mr. Wildstein seemed to hold "bizarre political and personal animus" toward a variety of people.  They also concluded that, Mr. Christie, being the concerned leader that he is, would surely have remembered such a conversation.

With the release of the report, Mr. Christie proclaimed himself totally innocent and a victim. 
No explanation was offered for why people he had personally chosen and placed in high paying jobs would wake up one day and suddenly decide to victimize him.
And then Mr. Christie flew his self-exonerated personage to Las Vegas where he reminded the Republican Jewish Coalition that he is, indeed, still available to run for President of the United States. 

Mr. Christie spoke for 45 minutes, telling the meeting of GOP donors that the country needs his "direct" style of governing.    "In New Jersey, no one has to wonder whether I'm for them or against them.  There is never really a cloud of indecision around what I say and what I do."
His claim of no one being "unsure" of where he stands seems a bit questionable when you consider how quickly he dropped his support for staff members when the bridge scandal first erupted.  The same people he publicly held in high esteem--like David Wildstein who he had characterized as a high school buddy--suddenly became someone he barely remembered--albeit a barely remembered someone for whom he created a brand new Port Authority post out of whole cloth.
Is he innocent?  I don't know; but personally, I prefer waiting for a more independent panel to decide.  Until then, I just wish he'd shut up.

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