Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Republicans Say the Darndest Things: Calls Female Senator "Lesser Cut of Meat"

South Carolina State Senator
Thomas Corbin (R)

Thomas Corbin and Katrina Shealy were both elected to South Carolina's Senate in 2012.  

Mr. Corbin apparently makes a habit of misogynistic comments.  Katrina Shealy, being the only female member of South Carolina's Senate hears them all.  Ms. Shealy has reportedly told him several times that she finds his remarks offensive and has asked him to stop. 

He has made it clear that he feels women have no place serving in the state legislature. Senate aides report he has been quoted as saying that women should be "at home baking cookies," and should be kept "barefoot and pregnant." At a recent legislative dinner, he commented directly to Ms. Shealy, "I see it only took me two years to get you wearing shoes."

Ms. Shealy had had enough, and asked him how he could think his remarks were in any way appropriate, adding,"You've pushed me far enough...I deserve respect, and I'm going to get it."  
He responded, with a smirk, "Well, you know God created man first.  Then he took the rib out of man to make woman.  And you know, a rib is a lesser cut of meat."

Mr. Corbin blames Ms. Shealy's unhappiness about his "joking" on the fact that they are on different sides over a gun bill aimed at reducing violence against women that is coming up for a vote soon. "She stuck a knife in my back because we're at odds over this bill.  (She's) trying to make me out to be a woman hater."
No, Mr. Corbin, I'd say you pinned that sobriquet to your lapel all by yourself.

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