Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Eye Recommend --- Several Questions I Want Republicans to Answer About President Obama

It's been nearly 6 years since Barack Obama became our 44th President.  In all the intervening months, the Republican Party has done everything it can to breed discontent in their constituency by creating and feeding one bizarre theory after another, by lying, by obstructing, by generally disrespecting the man and the office and claiming that the world as we know it is coming to an end.  They have been Chicken Little on uber-steriods. 
Mr. Clifton has some questions for them.

"When Barack Obama was elected in 2008, I knew the right-wing freak out over our nation electing its first black president was going to be fairly intense,  Though I really didn't think it would be as bad as it's been.  

I figured there would be a lot of ignorance thrown his way, but I really didn't believe that it would reach the level of unrelenting paranoia and hatred that we've seen.  

And even after well over five years in office, you can't convince many conservatives that their ridiculous conspiracy theories about the president that haven't remotely come true are wrong.  The still believe them...

...For instance, when is he finally going to come around and confiscate our guns?  I've been hearing the NRA and their fellow gun nuts proclaim President Obama is out to confiscate our guns since he was elected in 2008.  So, I'm just wondering, as we're quickly approaching about the 75 percent completion mark of two terms in office, when exactly does he plan on doing this?

Another question I'd like conservatives to answer is what freedoms have they lost since he's been president?  He's this big 'freedom-hating socialist,' right?  Well, what freedoms did they have prior to his election in 2008 that they don't have now?"
I have to admit, that's my favorite question.  Wish I'd thought of it.
"Oh, and where are those death panels?  I'm really curious to see which sick American will be the first one the Obamacare death panels sentence to die.

Also, where's all this socialism I've heard about?  It's been well over 5 years and all I've seen is record stock levels, high corporate profits and record-setting private sector job growth.  If he's a socialist, he's the worst one in history.

And can some conservative please explain to me how has Obama made the United States less safe?  Is it his high use of drone strikes against terrorism?  His threatening military action against Syria if they didn't turn over their chemical weapons?  Or what about when he ordered the killing of Osama bin Ladin?  I guess he needed to start two wars, while not accomplishing the goals of either, to be seen by conservatives as 'making us safer.'

Another thing, if he's really this radical anti-Christian Muslin, why has he come out in support of gay rights, more specifically same-sex marriage?  (Conservatives must realize that radical followers of Islam are) even more fiercely against gay rights than many far-right evangelical Christian conservatives.

I guess the same question could be posed about his stance on women's rights.  Being that followers of radical Islamic laws aren't known to be the most pro-women's rights people out there.  In fact, if he were really some radical-leaning follower of Islam, his social policies would be much more in line with conservatives than liberals.

And I'm sorry conservatives, but you can't claim 'Republicans in Congress have prevented most of this from happening.'  Because, according to those same congressional Republicans, President Obama has acted unlawfully and unconstitutionally to wield his power, bypassing Congress to 'rule more like a king or dictator.'...

...So, conservatives, please enlighten me.  Because I'm really curious as to why so many of your conspiracy theories and outlandish claims against the president have yet to come true."
Listed like this, the GOP's dire warnings seem even sillier.   
The GOP has spent nearly 6 years acting like a colony of ants that suddenly found its hill kicked over.  They have been running in circles with no clear leadership and no agenda other than to re-fight the last two presidential elections.  They are unable to accept that they lost--twice--so they continue this strange, delusional campaign.  They continue searching for that one sound byte that will turn the tide in their direction, will cause their supporters to cheer and wave the Republican battle flag at their next campaign stop, that will carry them triumphantly into the White House.  
They are so busy bemoaning the loss of their beloved demesne, that it has yet to occur to them that they, their constituency and the country would be better served if they were to forsake their lies, abandon their flattened insect hill and put together a plan to rebuild a mound that works.   
Even ants are smarter than that.

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