Saturday, August 23, 2014

Republicans Say the Darndest Things - The GOP Needs to Talk Down to Women...Really

Renee Ellmers (R)
U.S. Representative from North Carolina

Republicans admit they have a hard time connecting with women voters.  Ms. Ellmers would like to give them some tips:

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level.  Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor, you know, they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how, you know, the debt is awful, and you, know, we all agree with that.  We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life--that's the way to go."
Maybe women in North Carolina are, you know, stupider than, you know, women in Ohio, but, you know, this doesn't sound like it's going to, you know, be a blueprint for success with, you know, women voters across the, you know, country. 
Color me proud to be a Democrat where it is believed that a woman cannot only understand but is capable of creating her own pie chart and of grasping the vastness of anything numbered in the trillions--a party that doesn't require a woman to check her brain at the know.

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