Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Eye Recommend --- When Fascism Comes to America, It Will Be Cloaked in Patriotism

Mr. Schewitz's ideas may be a bit extreme, but he does raise some points worth thinking about.  He alludes to Hitler's Germany having its beginning in extreme nationalism--not unlike the patriotism and religion being peddled by today's Republican Party.
"There is a quote (often misattributed to Sinclair Lewis) that states, 'When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.'...

...The word 'fascist' is thrown around a lot these days and it's usually by people who have no clue what it really means.  They bleat about 'Big Brother' and an authoritarian government, even as they ironically vote for the politicians who support the very same things...

...In a nutshell, fascism is basically an authoritarian government for corporations, by corporations.  Extreme nationalism, the loss of individual liberties, and collectivism that benefits corporations rather than people.  Basically, corporate protection and welfare...

...Working class people have been voting against their own self-interests for a long time now, especially here in the South...They've been convinced that minorities and liberals will take their rights and jobs away, so they turn around and vote for the people who actually do take their rights and jobs away.

Fascism draws strength through the public's need for patriotism and religion.  Wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross, many of us have been duped by 'patriotic' legislation like 'Right to Work', 'Citizens United' and 'The Patriot Act'...

...We see it everywhere when politicians try to peddle their snake oil--they just wrap it in the flag and give it a pretty name designed to lull the public into buying it.  Just look at Bush's 'Operation Iraqi Freedom.'  Or look through some of the details of Paul Ryan's 'Path to Prosperity' budget, which would have cut billions from the social safety net programs in favor of tax cuts for millionaires...

...As long as a good portion of the country continues to let the wool be pulled over their eyes, this strategy isn't going anywhere anytime soon."

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