Saturday, March 14, 2015

Mitt's 14.1% Tax Rate Is So Yesterday

Remember when the GOP called the working poor, those who don't make enough money to owe taxes, "lazy freeloaders?"  They wanted to re-do the tax code so even the poorest had to pay something so, as Senator Dan Coates (R-Indiana) put it, they would "have some skin in the game."

what eye thynk:  Well, now it seems a couple of Republicans want to create an entirely different type of non-taxpayer; but, please, don't call then "freeloaders."

Senators Marco Rubio (R-Florida) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) announced a new tax plan this week. It includes giving parents a $2,500 tax credit per child.  But never fear, the Senators have thoughtfully taken care of the wealthy too.  These two great Republicans have proposed reducing income taxes on dividends and capital gains to zero.

All the rich people who do virtually nothing for a living but sit back and collect the interest from their already considerable bank accounts and the profits from their capitalist ventures (where they give other people money to work for them) would be able to keep all their moolah 
for themselves!  Great, huh?!

Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) is probably kicking himself for not coming up with this idea first. 

Remember, this is the same party that is trying out "We Care About Income Inequality" as a 2016 campaign theme.  I guess they still have a few kinds to work out.

1 comment:

  1. let me reduce this to a fathomable form of communication:
    This is Bullshit!
    thank you
