Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14 - Monday Quote

I've always thought Jimmy Carter made a better ex-president than he did a president.  Either way, I've always admired his humility and social conscience--something that far right Republicans could use a little more of.

monday quote:

                                                                       (Jimmy Carter, U.S. President, 1924 -    )


  1. This made me weep. Not for me but for my Christ and what HE taught us. I know I place a human value on HIM when I say this must sadden HIM, but it's how I feel. I truly believe HE died for me.
    That is the foundation of Christianity.
    If this be so, then how can there be so much anger and hatred within the Republican Party. Is it fair for me to assign this position of hatred to the entire GOP? If the Republican Party allows, and espouses this denial of help for the poor, under their flag, it is evident that this is the core of their party.
    Talk about using the Lord's name in vain.

  2. How many of those in power are so very fond of trying to make the case that this country was founded on so-called Christian values? And how many of those will you find leading the charge to de-fund many of the programs that aid the poorest among us? It all smells of identity crisis. They love to play at being "Christian", but they sure do love their piles of money and the wealthy corporate donors from which that money comes.
    Those that are fond of quoting the Bible refer often to the concept that He (Jesus, God, whomever) will return someday, ya know the whole "End Times Apocalypse speil. I would say that they had better hope that never happens because one of the first things he's gonna do is an reprise: throw the money changers out of the temple!
    To phrase it another way, as i once saw on a bumper sticker:
    "Jesus is coming....and boy is he pissed!"
