Sunday, October 6, 2013

Quick Fact: Demand Exceeds Supply = Fail

On Tuesday, the first day people could sign up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, 2.8 million people jammed phone lines and internet sites causing many to receive messages asking them to try again later. 

If the same thing had happened on the release day of a new Apple iPhone, we would be hearing about how wildly popular the iPhone is and how the millions of people who couldn't wait to get their hands on one crashed the Apple website, proving that it is the most popular phone in the world. 

Yet, Republicans are still holding the country hostage, still demanding that the President dismantle the ACA because "nobody likes the law, nobody wants to buy health insurance through the federal government, the law is a failure." 
 So, in Republican-land when demand exceeds supply it is proof of failure?  Who knew?

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