Saturday, October 26, 2013

When is a "Glitch" Not a "Glitch"?

2006 -- Joe Barton (R-Texas), answering questions during W's presidency about problems with the roll out of Medicare Plan D: "This is a huge undertaking and there are going to be glitches."

2013 -- Joe Barton (R-Texas), in response to Democrats saying that the roll out of the Affordable Care Act is a huge undertaking and is experiencing "glitches":  That's just a ridiculous "cop-out".

what eye thynk:   In 2006, Democrats did not like Medicare Plan D; but once it became the law of the land, they did not try to undermine it by voting 40+ times to defund it.  They did not put up roadblocks designed to deny those eligible for the plan the information they needed to sign up.  They did not appeal to local sports heroes asking them not to support it.   They did not accuse contractors of crimes.  They did not demand that the Secretary of Health and Human Services resign from W's cabinet.  They did not hold the entire country hostage demanding that it be repealed.

 In 2013, the Republican Party has done all of the above and more.

Republicans have lost this battle, but that doesn't stop people like Joe Barton--the same Joe Barton who apologized to BP in 2010 after their huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, (have to keep the campaign fund money men happy, you know)--from attempting to score some cheap points for himself and his anti-ACA obsessed party. 

But, we shouldn't be too hard on them.  After all, cheap points is about all they have left.

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