Sunday, April 3, 2016

Gohmert: No STEM for Women - They "were created for one thing and one thing alone." (Correction addended)

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Texas Representative Louie Gohmert has just established himself as public enemy number one for women by publicly opposing H.R. 4742, a new bill that would increase federal support for entrepreneurial programs for women in STEM fields--science, technology, engineering, and math...

..."This program is designed to discriminate against that young, poverty-stricken boy and to encourage that girl.  Forget the boy.  Encourage the girl."

"And, you know, that's just not the way God intended us to be treating women.  I know that everybody is today talking about equality and we've got groups that are trying to make us believe that women are equal to men.  However, that's just not the case.  God didn't make us equal.  It is ourselves, we have created this illusion of equality.  And you want to know what the most powerful evidence of that there is?  Simple biology..."

"...Women were created for one thing and one thing alone.  We are insulting the Lord by allowing women to act like men.  Women are beautiful creatures, no doubt about that.  We marry them, we look after them, we provide for them and we love them, but that does not mean they are the same as us.  It is the job of a woman to stay at home, to maintain the household, to bear children and look after them after they're born.  Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that women should be chasing after fancy titles and knowledge.  The only knowledge they need is the one we men allow them to have."

eye'm thynkin':  You'll have to excuse me if I keep this short, but my head just exploded.

Republicans.  They just can't help themselves.

Read more at Bipartisan Report
You can watch Mr. Gohmert's entire speech here.

Addendum: An apology to my readers and to Mr. Gohmert.  

I try to be as accurate as humanly possible--that being said, I am in fact, human.  When I first read this story, I also checked other sites, sites that I trust, and at two of them I found the same quotes.  I listened to Mr. Gohmert's speech, and the first paragraph is quoted accurately.  I erred and assumed the other quotes were from other sources.  And so I reported it.

Yesterday, an anonymous reader said he thought it was satire.  So I did more checking and found the quotes on one other trusted site.  I checked one more place and finally found that the last two paragraphs actually were originally written as satire--the type of excellent satire that cleaves so closely to the truth that the boundaries are blurred.  The best satire is, after all, firmly rooted in reality.

Thank you to my anonymous reader for making me look further; but, think about this, how hard was it, in light of the GOP's attitude toward women in general, to accept this as true?  I realize that by misreporting this, I may have added to the anti-woman aura that swirls around today's Republican Party; but, really, they don't need my help. It's clear enough from the one paragraph that is completely accurate that Mr. Gohmert would prefer  women  always come second.


  1. I am wondering where in the bible it says that women are simply here to have children, to raise them, to clean the house, etc. Where does it say that women should not have an education? Where does it say that women cannot have jobs, careers, professions? But again, it is texas and it is still 1900 there.

  2. I am wondering where in the bible it says that women are simply here to have children, to raise them, to clean the house, etc. Where does it say that women should not have an education? Where does it say that women cannot have jobs, careers, professions? But again, it is texas and it is still 1900 there.

  3. I agree with the person who once quipped that Louie Gohmert is the dumbest mammal to step into a legislative body since Caligula's horse, and his speech is pretty dumb, but he NEVER says the stuff quoted in the article anywhere in that speech. Just not there. I strongly suspect this is another "satire" quote like the one in which Sarah Palin purportedly claimed blacks welcomed and enjoyed slavery. We really have to be careful with the fraudulent quotes. The first obligation we have is to be truthful, and people need to do their due diligence.
