Thursday, March 31, 2016
More Stories from My Facebook Political Pollution Page
m'eye thoughts: Is anyone surprised?
Read more at Huffington Post
Read more at MSNBC

I'm trying to imagine how that "misspeak" excuse is going to play when He-Who-Knows-Words says something incredibly stupid to a foreign leader.
Read more at Raw Story
If we're going to become a nation of religion-based laws, how about we become a nation of religions paying taxes? If you don't pay, you shouldn't get to play.
Trump, the Poster Boy for Misogynistic Neanderthalism
what eye thynk: The Civil War reference caught my eye. Mr. Brook's historically based examination of Trump's misogyny kept my attention. He may have used nicer words, but basically it comes down to: Trump is a Neanderthal who threatens the hard-earned respect and the future of American women.
1860s "less genteel" -- 2016 less educated. Coincidence or moral history repeating itself? At the very least, it does give one pause.
THE SEXUAL POLITICS OF 2016, by David Brooks
In the middle of the Civil War a colonel named Robert McAllister from the 11th Regiment of New Jersey tried to improve the moral fiber of his men. A Presbyterian railroad contractor in private life, he lobbied and preached against profanity, drinking, prostitution and gambling. Some of the line officers in the regiment, from less genteel backgrounds rebelled.
They formed an organization called the Independent Order of Trumps. In sort of a mischievous, laddie way, the Trumps championed boozing and whoring, cursing and card-playing.Trumps -- Trump.
1860s "less genteel" -- 2016 less educated. Coincidence or moral history repeating itself? At the very least, it does give one pause.
In her book "The Gentlemen and the Roughs," Lorien Foote notes that this wasn't just a battle over pleasure. It was a contest between two different ideals of masculinity. McAllister's was based on gentlemanly chivalry and self-restraint. Trumpian masculinity was based on physical domination and sexual conquest. "Perceptions of manliness were deeply intertwined with perceptions of social status," Foote writes.
And so it is today...
...Donald Trump's presidential campaign is a revolution in manners, a rejection of the civility codes of the educated class... Trump embraces a masculine identity...built upon unvarnished misogyny.
Trump's misogyny is not the historical moralistic misogyny. Traditional misogyny blames women for the lustful, licentious and powerful urges that men sometimes feel in their presence...
...Trump's misogyny, on he other hand, has a commercial flavor. The central arena of life is male competition. Women are objects men use to win points in that competition. The purpose of a woman's body is to reflect status on a man. One way to emasculate a rival man is to insult or conquer his woman.It just seems so childish. All that's missing is the Saber-Tooth Tiger skin suit and the club.
Writing for Slate, Frank Foer has one of the best (and most disgusting) compilations of Donald Trump's history with women. Most of the episodes are pure dominance display.
For example, A.J. Benza was a writer who confessed that his girlfriend had left him for Trump. Trump called into a radio show he was appearing on to brag: "I've been successful with your girlfriend, I'll tell you that," Trump said. "While you were getting onto the plan to go to California thinking she was your girlfriend, she was some place that you wouldn't have been very happy with."
When the commentator Tucker Carlson criticized him, Trump left voice mail bragging about how much more sex he gets. He told an interviewer that you have to treat women like dirt.Charming and oh, so classy.
It's not quite right to say that Trump is a throwback to midcentury sexism. At least in those days negative behavior toward women and family members was restrained by the chivalry code...Trump's objectification is uncontrolled. It's pure ego competition with a pornogrified flavor.
In this way, Trump represents the spread of something brutal...
...In the realm of cultural politics, Trump voters...are participating in a descent into darkness. They are supporting a degrading wrong. This is the world your daughters are going to grow up in.It's an excellent analysis; and when you look at the number of people showing up at Trump rallies, to be perfectly honest, it scares the cr*p out of me.
You can read Mr. Brooks' entire op-ed article here.
Republicans Say the Darndest Things: Health Insurance is Stupid, You're Gonna Die Anyway
Idaho Governor
Butch Otter (R)
The Idaho state legislature has been nibbling around the problem of the number of uninsured Idaho residents who fall in the gap between the state's current Medicaid qualifications and the ACA. That's about 78,000 people who, if Idaho would take the federal government's offer, would qualify for healthcare under President Obama's ACA expanded Medicaid program.
When the current session ended without a decision, the Republican Speaker of the State House indicated that the legislature has made a "firm commitment" to address the problem of those 78,000 uninsured citizens and that a decision could still be reached during a special legislative session, but Mr. Otter nixed the special session idea.
He seems to think insurance isn't worth the time, money, or effort. After all, people still die.
"I see plenty of people that die every day in hospitals and they have insurance. And they're in the hospital. But they still die."what eye thynk: You can't argue with that logic. I wonder, though, in light of his and his family's eventual and unavoidable demise, will he be giving up his own insurance as a waste of money?
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Update: NC Gov. Pat McCrory Admits He Doesn't Know What's in Anti-Gay Bill He Signed
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North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory (R) |
Last week I wrote about North Carolina's HB 2, a new anti-gay law--a bill that was introduced, debated, passed, and signed into law by Governor Pat McCrory (R)--all within 10 hours.
In light of the negative response from business and local leaders, NBC News questioned the governor about the new law. Mr. McCrory blamed the negativity swirling around his latest triumph as "political theater" created by those who oppose his re-election campaign. "This is political correctness...gone amok," and a "calculated smear campaign," stating that the law doesn't discriminate against anyone.
Some legal experts believe the new law revokes nearly all local anti-discrimination laws like Greensboro's fair housing ordinance as well as a policy governing city contracts in Raleigh. When Gov. McCrory was asked about these apparent problems, he responded, "I've been traveling all day, so you're telling me something I'm not aware of.'
what eye thynk: Governor McCrory, in the future, may I suggest you actually READ a bill before putting your signature on it? Responses like yours to NBC could cause one think you pushed this legislation through solely in order to force your I-hate-gays agenda on the people of North Carolina without a thought to the possible repercussions.
A spokesperson for Mr. McCrory later admitted that he's "not sure" how the new law will impact some local ordinances, but offered his opinion that local housing ordinances would not be affected.
Maybe North Carolina's Republican leadership should have spent longer than 10 hours to introduce, debate, pass, and sign this bill into law. You know, at least until they could offer more than a "not sure" to inquiries on how the law will work.
Who Thinks a Gun That Looks Like a Cellphone is a Good Idea?
Minnesota company Ideal Conceal has just come up with a handgun that is capable of folding up into an impostor cell phone.
The Ideal Conceal hand-cannon is a .380-caliber pistol and will be available sometime later this year. The company is excited to market this gun to the public because, as it states on its website, it "will be virtually undetectable because it hides in plain sight."
How comforting...
eye'm thynkin': Does the world really need this?
What Could Possibly Go Wrong #1: Think of the number of children who are fascinated by guns and who are killed by guns left where they can find them. Now think of the number of children who play with cell phones.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong #2: When a police officer stops someone and that person pulls out a cellphone, how long is that officer supposed to wait to find out if his family is going to suffer a death by cellphone?
What Could Possibly Go Wrong #3: Imagine you're at school, or church, or at the mall, or at your local farmer's market, or... and someone near you pulls out a cell phone. Do you duck or die?
So I ask again, does the world really need this?
Read more at Liberal America
The Ideal Conceal hand-cannon is a .380-caliber pistol and will be available sometime later this year. The company is excited to market this gun to the public because, as it states on its website, it "will be virtually undetectable because it hides in plain sight."
How comforting...
eye'm thynkin': Does the world really need this?
What Could Possibly Go Wrong #1: Think of the number of children who are fascinated by guns and who are killed by guns left where they can find them. Now think of the number of children who play with cell phones.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong #2: When a police officer stops someone and that person pulls out a cellphone, how long is that officer supposed to wait to find out if his family is going to suffer a death by cellphone?
What Could Possibly Go Wrong #3: Imagine you're at school, or church, or at the mall, or at your local farmer's market, or... and someone near you pulls out a cell phone. Do you duck or die?
So I ask again, does the world really need this?
Read more at Liberal America
Today's Stories from Political Pollution

But most of the public will have no idea how to find him, because his office is keeping the details of those events secret to avoid protesters.
my'eye thoughts: And that's how you listen to the voice of the people, Republican style.
Read more at MSNBC

Read more at Winning Democrats
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Last week, the Internet was buzzing with the picture of a small bird...
...sitting calmly on Bernie Sander's podium at one of his campaign stops just days before Bernie won the Democratic caucuses in Washington State, Alaska, and Hawaii by huge margins. It was cute, especially when paired with the Bald Eagle who wanted a piece of Trump for dinner during a La Donald photo shoot.
This Hillary meme puts the period on the whole subject.
Donald Trump, Eviscerated by His Own Communications Director
what eye thynk: King Combover isn't going to be able to blame this on the liberal media. I'm sure, however, he'll find a way to say this campaign insider was incompetent, a loser, not very good at her job, etc. He'll probably get in a few digs about her looks too. (Every time he comments on someone's appearance, I cringe at the irony--with all his money, does the man not own a mirror?)
Unfortunately, this letter is probably a classic example of preaching to the choir. The letter is too long for the normal Trump supporter's limited attention span, her words are too big, no hate bubbles up from the page, the Jerry Springeresque chances for violence that are necessary to appeal to Mr. Rich White Trash's mouth-breathing supporters are missing.
Still, it's good reading and I salute her for giving it a try.
One of Donald Trump's top campaign strategists, former communications director Stephanie Cegielski, has resigned from his campaign in protest of Trump's ridiculous statement that "only he can solve" the bombing in Pakistan (whatever that might mean). She has penned a devastating open letter to his supporters, explaining to us why she originally supported Trump, and how his excess and dishonesty turned her against him. She issues a stark warning to Trump supporters that the supposed "authenticity" of Trump is nothing but smoke and mirrors, a soap opera character--and that at the end of the day, Donald Trump only cares about himself. A brutal denunciation of Trump as both a candidate and a person, it might be the most complete evisceration of the orange-haired rabble-rouser yet written...
...Trump's own advisers are becoming increasingly tired of his racist antics and his utter refusal to formulate any kind of substantial policy proposals. They recognize that he is utterly unprepared for the presidency and has no desire to change that.
Being President of the United States is hard work, it's a 24/7 job; and that kind of dedication is the stuff of nightmares to a man like Trump. But the prospect of being able to step up to a microphone and brag how he could have done better, greater, the best is a dream come true. If you believe his addictive narcissism would force him to slink out of the spotlight in disgrace, you have only to look at Sarah Palin to see proof of your own delusion. She had no qualifications to be Vice President and certainly has nothing intelligent to say, but she has fed off the notoriety of her failed campaign for nearly eight years now. Put a camera in front of her and you can practically see her salivate at the prospect of 15 more minutes of fame.
Unfortunately, this letter is probably a classic example of preaching to the choir. The letter is too long for the normal Trump supporter's limited attention span, her words are too big, no hate bubbles up from the page, the Jerry Springeresque chances for violence that are necessary to appeal to Mr. Rich White Trash's mouth-breathing supporters are missing.
Still, it's good reading and I salute her for giving it a try.

One of Donald Trump's top campaign strategists, former communications director Stephanie Cegielski, has resigned from his campaign in protest of Trump's ridiculous statement that "only he can solve" the bombing in Pakistan (whatever that might mean). She has penned a devastating open letter to his supporters, explaining to us why she originally supported Trump, and how his excess and dishonesty turned her against him. She issues a stark warning to Trump supporters that the supposed "authenticity" of Trump is nothing but smoke and mirrors, a soap opera character--and that at the end of the day, Donald Trump only cares about himself. A brutal denunciation of Trump as both a candidate and a person, it might be the most complete evisceration of the orange-haired rabble-rouser yet written...
...Trump's own advisers are becoming increasingly tired of his racist antics and his utter refusal to formulate any kind of substantial policy proposals. They recognize that he is utterly unprepared for the presidency and has no desire to change that.
An Open Letter to Trump Voters from His Top Strategist-Turned-Defector
Even Trump's most trusted advisors didn't expect him to fare this well. Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it. The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place... His candidacy was a protest candidacy...
...My support for Trump began probably like yours did... I was tired of the rhetoric in Washington...
...I don't think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don't even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.This is an interesting point, one I brought up some time last Summer--that Trump was in it for the publicity and a few weeks of posing and having his ego stroked before moving on to more lucrative pursuits. It was a game to him. He certainly impressed me as someone too lazy to be bothered with educating himself on policy or positions, someone too comfortable to be expected to think beyond his own easy sphere of gilded comforts. And nothing he has done so far has proven me wrong.
He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver's seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness...
...I'll say it again: Trump never intended to be the candidate. But his pride is too out of control to stop him now...
...He doesn't want the White House. He just wants to be able to say that he could have run the White House...I truly believe that somewhere, buried deep behind those raccoon eyes is someone who will be relieved to lose the race.
Being President of the United States is hard work, it's a 24/7 job; and that kind of dedication is the stuff of nightmares to a man like Trump. But the prospect of being able to step up to a microphone and brag how he could have done better, greater, the best is a dream come true. If you believe his addictive narcissism would force him to slink out of the spotlight in disgrace, you have only to look at Sarah Palin to see proof of your own delusion. She had no qualifications to be Vice President and certainly has nothing intelligent to say, but she has fed off the notoriety of her failed campaign for nearly eight years now. Put a camera in front of her and you can practically see her salivate at the prospect of 15 more minutes of fame.
The hard truth is: Trump only cares about Trump. And if you are one of the disaffected voters--one of the silent majority like me--who wanted a candidate who could be your voice, I want to speak directly to you as one of his biggest advocates and supporters.
He is not that voice. He is not your voice. He is only Trump's voice. Trump is about Trump. Not one of his many wives. Not one of his many "pieces of ass."...
...The man does not know policy, nor does he have the humility to admit what he does not know--the most frightening position of all.
I remember watching the second Trump debate and thinking: After this, he is going to have to start hammering it home on policy; the country needs substance to make an informed decision.
I wished for it six months ago and am still waiting for it today...
...Without intending to do so, I began to hear and evaluate him more critically and skeptically as a member of the voting public rather than a communications person charged with protecting his positions.
I no longer felt that he was the leader the country was looking for, and I found myself longing--aching, really--for policy substance that went beyond building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. What were once bold--although controversial--statements now seemed to be attempts to please the crowds, not direction to lead this country to a better place. I began to realize his arrogance and isolation had taken over and were now controlling his message...
...Trump is not our champion. He would stab any one of his supporters in the back if it earned him a cent more in his pocket.
Unfortunately, the more vitiolic Trump has become, the more the people responded to him. That drove him to push the boundaries further and further.Nowhere is this more evident than in his not-so-veiled calls for escalating violence at his rallies. His followers are continually looking for the latest thing, the newest high; and this man who would be president doesn't have the maturity to stop giving it to them. He's a school yard bully, so in thrall of the cheers and laughter from the blood-thirsty rabble around him, he is incapable of stopping. He lives to make them cheer louder, to laugh more raucously. He believes he is a hero.
I also started seeing a trend of incompetence and deniability.
When there was a tweet that contained an error, he would blame it on an intern; when there was a photo containing a World War II Nazi Germany background, he would blame it on an intern; when he answered questions in an overtly controversial fashion, he would claim that he did not properly hear the question. He refused to take responsibility for his actions while frequently demanding apologies from others...
...No matter how many times he repeats it, Trump would not be the "best" at being president, being in shape, fighting terrorism, selling steaks, and whatever other "best" claim he has made in the last 15 minutes.
He would be the best at something, though. He is the best at looking out for Donald Trump--at all costs.
Don't let our country pay the price.You can read more from Mr. Taylor and Ms. Cegielski here.
More Stuff from Political Pollution

I'm sure Ms. Purcell thought that all she had to do was apologize and everyone would forget about the 3-5 hour waits to vote, but yesterday the voters there made it clear that won't be the case.
"The tone of the election fraud hearing is summed up best by a citizen who said, 'The corruption has become so prevalent, that you became comfortable, and you became so comfortable, that you became lazy, and you became so lazy, that you got caught. You (Purcell) are a snake in the grass and we see you!'"
Read more at U.S. Uncut
#2 - This is one of those not-to-be-wasted opportunities.
#3 - Couldn't have said it better myself.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Quote(s) for Monday, March 28
what eye thynk: One Supreme Court seat, one nomination, one embarrassing flip-flop.
monday quote(s):
The only conclusion I can draw is that Orrin Hatch LOVED Merrick Garland until President Obama loved him too. When Mr. Hatch breezily called nominating Mr. Garland "easy," he was daring the President to nominate someone who would and should glide through the nomination process without a blip.
His reaction to the nomination is not only a slap in the face to Judge Garland's "integrity," a quality Senator Hatch claimed to admire, but also paints a huge question mark on his own senatorial rectitude. With his own words, Orrin Hatch has made himself look like a fool--one who thought he was being clever and then found out there was a true genius in the room.
Yes, this election season is "toxic," but the president isn't the one serving up the Wolfsbane.
monday quote(s):
1997 - Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), speaking in support of Merrick Garland's nomination to the Court of Appeals, DC Circuit:
"His intelligence and his scholarship cannot be questioned...His legal experience is equally impressive...Accordingly, I believe Mr. Garland is a fine nominee. I know him personally, I know his integrity, I know his legal ability, I know his honesty, I know his acumen."
2016, March 13 - Senator Orrin Hatch speaking at a Federalist Society lunch in Washington D.C.:
"The President told me several times he's going to name a moderate (to fill the court vacancy,) but I don't believe him. (He) could easily name Merrick Garland, who is a fine man...He probably won't do that because this appointment is about the election."
2016, March 16, just three days later - The President nominated Merrick Garland. One day after that, on March 17, Mr. Hatch spoke to the media.
"I remain convinced that the best way for the Senate to do its job is to conduct the confirmation process after this toxic Presidential election season is over."
His reaction to the nomination is not only a slap in the face to Judge Garland's "integrity," a quality Senator Hatch claimed to admire, but also paints a huge question mark on his own senatorial rectitude. With his own words, Orrin Hatch has made himself look like a fool--one who thought he was being clever and then found out there was a true genius in the room.
Yes, this election season is "toxic," but the president isn't the one serving up the Wolfsbane.
Monday Stories from Political Pollution
m'eye thoughts: It's a start!

The world is watching. We're supposed to be the leader of the free world. We gained that position by earning the respect of our allies and our enemies alike, and now these two clowns are turning us into a global joke.
Read more at Raw Story
Guess there's still a little Democrat left in him.
Read more at Raw Story
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Fox News: Making Christians Look Stupid, One Holiday at a Time
m'eye thoughts: I think some of the Twitter responses are pretty funny, but then, I will admit that I am entertained when Christians go all Yosemite Sam over something as pointless as this.
from Cadbury: "Most of our East eggs don't say Easter or egg on the front as we don't feel the need to tell people this--it is very obvious through the packaging that it is an Easter egg."
Read more at Addicting Info
Saturday, March 26, 2016
At 5:43 pm EDT
Bernie 77.3%
Hillary 22.5%
Bernie 79.2%
Hillary 20.8%
Read more at Mother Jones
Republican War on Women: Florida Eliminates Funding; Oklahoma Seeks to Eliminate Doctors
This is the forty-second in a series of articles on the subjects of women, abortion rights and the Republican Party.
Republicans continue to say they don’t have to change their core principles, they only have to change the language they use to get their message out. One perception they want to alter is the idea that they are running a “War on Women”. Looking at the news over the past few years, I’d say the Republican Party has a long way to go on this subject.
- Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky): “Talk about a manufactured issue. There is no issue.”
- RNC Chairman Reince Priebus: “It’s a fiction.”
The Florida Front

On Friday, Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) signed a new law that cuts state funding to all clinics that perform abortions. State funding of abortion services are already prohibited by law in the state, but Republican leadership decided that wasn't good enough.
what eye thynk: Under this new law--obviously aimed at Planned Parenthood despite the results of the state's own investigation--all state funding is eliminated, even for preventative health services, if the clinic also performs abortions. So poor women in Florida will lose access to birth control, (because who would want to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, right?), breast exams, pap smears, STD tests and wellness programs. But, hey, if a few more poor women die for lack of access to health care, that's a price Florida's Republican leadership is willing to pay as long as they get to show PP who is boss.
The Oklahoma Front

Under SB1118, any doctor who performs an abortion--for any reason--could be found guilty of first degree murder.
Pretty slick, huh? But not as slick as Mr. Silk himself. You see, he added that first degree murder thing AFTER the bill had passed out of the Health and Human Services Committee. Maybe he thought no one would notice?
As it turns out, Republican leadership in the Senate is not at all happy with Mr. Silk's sneaky move, and has, so far, refused to present the bill to the full Senate. Mr. Silk seems surprised that his little addition has not earned him party accolades. "Are you really pro-life if you can actually come out and oppose this bill for no reason?"
Somewhere, there must be a Republican gnome living under a bridge and laughing his wart-covered, misogynist behind off as he pulls the strings of these conservative lawmakers. No birth control? Check. Unwanted pregnancies? Check. No money for lazy families with kids they either don't want or can't afford? Check. Women dying from lack of preventative healthcare? Check. Now, what can I do to top all that? Hmmm... Oh, yes! Doctors behind bars. Yes! Yes! YES! PERFECT!
In a sane world, SB1118 would be impossible to imagine; at the very least it would be viewed as bad satire. Unfortunately, sanity and common sense are in scare supply in today's conservative circles, where "more" is never enough, and where one party has moved so far to the right it seems lost in a Margaret Atwood fever dream.
The Republican War on Women is "fiction?"
Today's Political Pollution Posts
Read more at Raw Story

The Washington Post
The Washington Post
Friday, March 25, 2016
AIPAC Unimpressed with Trump Braggadocio
The crowd, consisting of nearly 2/3 of Congress, students from more than 620 college campuses, and representatives of 275 Synagogues...people who have really studied the US-Israeli relationship. They are the people who have actually studied the Iran nuclear deal. They understand the complexity of the relationships in the Middle East... They know that you can't just talk your way to peace...
...As Politico reported, the members of AIPAC have seen what happens when a country attacks an entire religious group. They remember what happened in Europe. They are uncomfortable, to say the least, with Trump's anti-Muslim language during this campaign. A large group of rabbis walked out of the meeting, expressing their discomfort with Trump's rhetoric.
In his speech, Mr. Trump tried to make the case for his toughness against Iran. But his words left the crowd somewhat confused...
..."When I'm President, I will adopt a strategy that focuses on three things when it comes to Iran. First, we will stand up to Iran's aggressive push to destabilize and dominate the region. Iran is a verg big problem, and will continue to be, but if I'm not elected President, I know how to deal with trouble, and believe me, that's why I'm going to be elected President, folks."...
...Although that was only one item in his stated strategy of "three things," Trump then went on to talk about how he is leading in the polls... He never did give his other two strategy points...
... The members of AIPAC did not seem impressed with Mr. Trump's assurances of his own greatness.
eye'm thynkin': It's hard to pull the wool over educated eyes.
Read more at Liberal America
Today's Responsible Idiot with a Gun Story
A 32-year-old Walton County (Georgia) man's leg was severed just below the knee with a piece of shrapnel when he and his friends blew up a law mover in a rural location near his home on Saturday.
The men were using Tannerite to blow up the riding mower, according to the Walton County Sheriff's Office. Tannerite is a combination of chemicals sold legally at most gun and sporting goods stores...
...One of the men at the site explained they put about three pounds of Tannerite inside the mower and Presley was shooting a gun at the Tannerite to ignite an explosion.
eye'm thynkin': The Walton County Sheriff's Office said it best: "Yes, it is legal and no, we can't make people stop doing it. But why folks, just why?"
Read more at OnLine Athens
The men were using Tannerite to blow up the riding mower, according to the Walton County Sheriff's Office. Tannerite is a combination of chemicals sold legally at most gun and sporting goods stores...
...One of the men at the site explained they put about three pounds of Tannerite inside the mower and Presley was shooting a gun at the Tannerite to ignite an explosion.
eye'm thynkin': The Walton County Sheriff's Office said it best: "Yes, it is legal and no, we can't make people stop doing it. But why folks, just why?"
Read more at OnLine Athens
Other Stories From My Political Pollution Page

Read more at Addicting Info
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Four Stories from Political Pollution

Watch the video at Addicting Info

Read more at Freak Out Nation
Hope you didn't expect the local official in charge to apologize.
Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell's response here.

The best question of the night:
"Kids with a toy gun can get kicked out of school but an adult with a (real) gun doesn't?" one man asked.
Read more at Michigan Live
If you need another reason to fear the misogyny and all around ickiness of Donald Trump, this should do it.
Watch the video at Buzz Feed News
NC Gov. Signs Transgender Shaming Bill Into Law After All Democratic Senators Walk Out
In attempting to explain his support for the bill Mr. McCrory said, "The basic expectation of privacy in the most personal of settings, a restroom or locker room, for each gender was violated by government overreach and intrusion by the mayor and city council of Charlotte."
what eye thynk: Before I get into arguing the blazing flaws in Mr. McCrory's logic, I have to point out that this bill accomplishes nothing--except to shame those people who are transgendered--and this lack of respect for another human being disgusts me. No one is safer. No one is protected. No one.
Now, as for the keep-our-little-women-safe issue: Maybe, if anyone in charge down there in North Carolina had put some thought into this bill, they might have realized that what they were accomplishing was exactly the opposite of Mr. McCrory's poorly thought out rationale.
I have a casual friend, a man I've known for years, someone with whom I've shared drinks and gossip on numerous occasions. Just a few weeks ago, I found out that he was born a woman. It makes no difference to me as far as our relationship goes, but I can't help but imagine if he were a total stranger to me and he walked in while I was standing in front of the restroom mirror at our local watering hole adjusting my Spanx. Would I scream or die from embarrassment? And would I be in danger of sexual assault because I could not identify the correct response quickly enough?
Now imagine a man walks in and moves into the cubicle next to you. Do you assume he is trans and is being forced to use the ladies' room because of an accident of birth--the Republican equivalent of shame as aversion therapy? Or do you wonder if he is some kind of pervert who gets his kicks from sitting in his hidey hole using a mirror to peek under the wall in order to watch you pee? And how do you protect your child from this if she is with you?
Welcome to North Carolina and a situation that every woman who uses a public restroom (with, in the governor's own words, a "basic expectation of privacy,") could face on any given day.
Or imagine you are a trans woman forced to enter the macho world of urinals and testosterone. How safe will she feel?
The point is, this new law doesn't make women--or men--safer. If you live as a man and use the men's room or live as a woman and use the women's room, it's doubtful anyone would give you a second glance. Life would go on; no judgement would be necessary; no one would be the wiser. Now--being a woman my focus cannot help but return to what I perceive as personal danger--North Carolina has made it an issue and has given every male pervert in the state the right to walk into any ladies' room and stay as long as he likes to enjoy the show.
At the same time, they are forcing transgendered people to face a humiliating situation for no purpose other than to serve their own perverted concept of what is "normal."
Later this year, I will be driving through North Carolina on a family errand. I will be sure to visit a restroom in Virginia and refrain from consuming any beverages until I make it to South Carolina. I'll feel safer that way.
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