Wednesday, March 23, 2016

GOP Holds Its Nose, Begins to Embrace Trump

what eye thynk:  The Republican Party created him, now they don't know what to do with him; and watching them hold their noses while they squirm around their conundrum is becoming truly bizarre.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) - "Today I want to be very clear about something--if a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican Party, there can be no evasion and no games.  They must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry.  When asked by Face the Nation host John Dickerson if he would, in light of the bigotry demonstrated by Trump and his campaign, support Trump if he is the nominee, Mr. Ryan replied, "Of course I will." 

So much for a clear, non-evasive stand against bigotry.

Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) - "For me to walk away from the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan would be I think an abrogation of my responsibilities to the voters."  When asked if he felt that Donald Trump would be a good representation of his party's core principles, Mr. McCain paused before replying, "I think he wants to."

He "wants to?"  That's a reason to endorse him?  What happened to the man who rebuked the crazy hair lady in 2008 when she called Barack Obama an Arab?  That was the sign of a man I could respect, but now we get "he wants to?!"

Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-Tennessee) - "I think he has the clearest path to the nomination, and it only makes sense to unify the party and get behind him."

And a new Republican slogan is born: The Path of Least Resistance Shall Make Us Strong!

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-California) - "I don't think Trump wants my endorsement, and that's one reason why I like him."

I confess, the logic here alludes me.  Mr. Hunter seems to be saying that he sees himself as so unworthy that no presidential candidate would want to have his name connected with his own, and that means he MUST be the right guy for the job?  ...Or something.

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) - "We believe in equality and fair treatment and that's the moral principle we adhere to as a nation and I hope he makes that clear.  He's disavowed this before and you get asked these questions.  I don't know what happened.  But I will say this, he needs to make that clear."  Still, Mr. Sessions is "pleased to endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States."

Mr. Sessions doesn't "know what happened" but he "hopes" Trump gets his "equality" and "fair treatment" and "moral principle" vibe going.  In the meantime, there's no point in being too concerned about it, I guess.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-Arizona) - "I have been asked on many occasions what I would do if this race comes down to a one on one contest between Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton.  Each time, I have responded that as a conservative I cannot trust Mr. Trump to do the right thing." But, explaining that he doesn't trust Hillary Clinton either, he concluded, "I would vote for Donald Trump."

When faced with two choices, both of whom you perceive to be untrustworthy, go with the bigot!

Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyoming) - "I don't really have a grasp yet on his core values...  Would I like him to act more presidential right now in terms of the way he talks about issues?  Absolutely."  When Ms. Lummis was reminded that King Combover has said he can be presidential when he wants to be, she replied, "My request to Donald Trump is want to.  Want to really bad."  And if Mr. Trump is the nominee? "Let's say Trump is the Republican nominee, I will vote for him."

In the end, core values aren't really that important, whether I grasp them or not.

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Florida) - Mr. Yoho also sees La Donald as weak on policy, but "he has changed the face of politics in America. I got to give Trump credit for doing what he's done."  

Mr. Hamster Habitat Head has, at long last, brought our belief in bigotry and misogyny into the light of day!  For that, he deserves my support!

Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colorado) - "It is clear that Republicans need to reach out to women, need to reach out to Hispanic voters and need to reach out to other people in this country.  Our argument has always been that we want to create an opportunity society... (Gee, gee where have we heard this before?) ...Trump has been more vicious in his language than the other Republican candidates when it comes to demeaning people."  When asked if he would support Trump should he be the Republican nominee. "I won't answer a hypothetical."

I also won't condemn him; but, hey, did you catch the part where I said we need to reach out...?  

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