Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Bigots in the News

what eye thynk:  It's amateur week at the art festival, folks; and the professional bigots are in attendance.

Good ol' boy #1:  Florida Gun Supply owner Andrew Hallinan who came under fire last month when he declared his gun shop a "Muslim-free Zone," and posted a sign on his door to make sure the world knew about it.

Good ol' boy #2: George Zimmerman, the guy who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in Florida and was acquitted.

Under the hot Florida sun, these two bigots have found each other and joined forces to save the Confederate battle flag.  

But, please, don't call them racists.

Mr. Zimmerman, observing the way Mr. Hallinan was presented by the media, painted a picture of the Confederate flag for him with a little bit of "artistic" flair added to make the gift more poignant.

Mr. Zimmerman explained his flag caption by saying, "The second protects the first is a double entendre.  The second flag I painted was the Battle Flag which we need in America in order to protect the first."

Mr. Hallinan, who has been sued over his anti-Muslim signage, announced a fundraiser on Monday.  Stating that he felt both he and Mr. Zimmerman had been mistreated by the media, he said the two of them were joining forces to sell prints of Mr. Zimmerman's original "art?" work.

Mr. Hallinan agreed that racists have used the stars and bars; but defended his display by saying most people see the flag simply as a way of honoring the pride of their Southern heritage. 

But, you know, just the innocent parts of that heritage--like slavery and succeeding from the United States.  Really, just looking back on those days makes every white person South of the Mason-Dixon line weep with pride.

Mr. Hallinan added that a "cultural cleansing" is going on in this country, and that's what brought him to the point where he felt the need to protect the Confederate flag. 

Because nothing says "I'm proud to be an American" like waving a symbol that represents the losing side's Civil War battle flag.

The Hallinan/Zimmerman partnership will enter the name of every person purchasing a print of the painting into a raffle to win the original.  

Be still my lily-white, Northern heart!  But then, winters are tough in the North and firewood can be expensive, so maybe...

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