Friday, August 28, 2015

Republicans Say the Darndest Things: War on What is INSIDE Women (and a Female Ob-Gyn Responds)

Presidential Candidate
Ben Carson (R)

Retired brain surgeon and Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson thought he would court women voters when he spoke on the steps of the state capitol building in Little Rock, Arkansas this week.
"They tell you that there's a war on women.  There is no war on women.  There may be a war on what's inside of women, but there is no war on women in this country."
what eye thynk:  I would beg to differ on his "no war on women" claim, and have offered evidence to that effect-- 32 times and counting.

Mr. Carson said he was attempting--in an oh, so elegant manner--to point out that the war was on what a woman may carry inside her uterus, and that war was being fought by the left.  

This response to Dr. Carson, written by Dr. Jen Gunter, is worth a minute of your time:

"Thank you Dr. Carson for mansplaining it so eloquently.  While I am only a humble gynecologist (and a female one at that), I would like to point out that the uterus is actually anatomically part of women and not on loan from the GOP...

...When you say you want to control what a woman does with her uterus, i.e. what is inside her body, you are saying that she can't make those decisions on her own or has no right to make those decisions or both...

...What if I wanted to control your bladder, what would you think of that?...What if I told you that you could only use the restroom if you consented to a transrectal ultrasound?  And if you get a bladder infection, well, you will have to drive 200 miles to discuss it with your doctor and then drive back home and wait 24 hours to be really sure about the antibiotics and then drive the 400 miles round trip again to pick them up?  Would you think that is okay because you can't really understand as a man what is happening inside your body or might you think, back off bitch that's my bladder?

If you actually care about women, as I do, as a doctor you should want them to have compassionate, evidence-based care.  And for heaven's sake, if you want women to have fewer abortions you should stump for long-acting reversible contraception.  To ignore this elephant in the room means you care nothing about medicine and everything about pandering to a sub set of voters.

Women are so much more than the sum of our parts, but here's the thing: in a democracy you don't get any say in how we manage any of them.  Any other option is in fact a declaration of war."

1 comment:

  1. As a human being, I would never attempt to legislate what someone does with their own body. Abortion aside, what about doctor assisted suicide? What if someone were terminally ill and in indescribable pain? My feelings aside, do I have the right to tell them that they cannot end their own life with dignity? we have the choice to live our lives as we want, but not the way we die? The government forces it's will on me and says that I cannot end my own life. So, is there a war on women? Of course there is, and no one including ben carson, can convince me otherwise. I do believe that everyone has the right to control their own body... no matter what.
