"Donald Trump cannot remember the last time he apologized...
... 'At the same time,' he qualified, 'I believe in apologizing. But to apologize for me is very difficult. I definitely would apologize if I were wrong on something.'...
... Asked to recall the last thing he apologized for, Trump said that 'it was too many years ago to remember,' adding that he has 'one of the greatest memories of all time, but it was too long ago.'
Trump again clarified that his remark that Kelly had blood 'coming out of her wherever' during the debate was meant to be 'out of the eyes, then the nose and the ears because it's a very common saying.'
'So to be honest, the whole subject was fun,' he concluded."
eye'm thynkin': Yep, the whole female population is lining up to vote for you 'cause you're such a laugh riot.
Read more at Politico
Trump is an absurdity. And what does it say about the GOP when trump is so far ahead in the polls? I think it would be funny if trump broke off into a 3rd party candidate and cost the republicans of votes and allowing the democrats to easily walk into the white house in 2016.