Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Eye Recommend --- Scott Walker Pledges All-Out Assault on Workers and Unions

SCOTT WALKER PLEDGES ALL-OUT ASSAULT ON WORKERS AND UNIONS, by Laura Clawson -- Read the complete article here.
what eye thynk:  American workers made America great.  Scott Walker wants to change that.
"Scott Walker's presidential bid is faltering and flailing, so he's going back to what first raised him to national notice as governor of Wisconsin:  attacking workers and their unions... His proposal would:

  • Repeal President Obama's orders improving pay and conditions for workers including...overtime pay...
  • Pass a national version of so-called 'right to work'...
  • Outlaw federal worker unions...
  • Kill the National Labor Relations Board...
  • Require 'periodic' union reauthorization votes...
...And those are just the highlights... It's a series of attacks on workers' ability to join together to build power, designed to fragment the workforce into individuals with no leverage to improve their work lives.  It's also a sign of desperate (sic) from Walker."
Scott Walker thought that, as the Koch brothers' golden boy, his path to the Republican nomination was going to be a cake-walk.  Discovering that his Guilded-by-Koch persona can't camouflage the mess he has made in Wisconsin when exposed to national scrutiny must have come as some surprise to him.
His desperation is making clear...
"...just what a viciously anti-worker president he dreams of being."
The American worker--whatever his/her party affiliation--should beware.

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