Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday Quote for September 28

If you've been an even semi-conscious human being in the U.S. over the past few weeks, you are aware of Carly Fiorina's blatant lie about a video she says she saw--a video that everyone else agrees does not exist--that was taken at a Planned Parenthood clinic.  (If the video existed, I can't imagine that one of the anti-abortion groups would have missed the opportunity to spread it all over the media weeks ago.)

She has been offered numerous chances, including one tendered by Fox's Chris Wallace, to admit she exaggerated what she saw, but has stubbornly stuck to her lie.  

Now she is supporting a government shutdown over the defunding of Planned Parenthood. For someone who wants to be CEO of the United States, she remains blithely unaware of the costs of such an action.

Speaker to reporters at The Carolina Pregnancy Center on Thursday, she referenced the 2013 shutdown which Republicans supported in their efforts to defund the President's health care law.

monday quote:
"I did not think it was realistic when Republicans did not have a majority in the Senate.  But when the government shut down, what happened?  Government employees got their full pay--in essence they got a two-week paid vacation.  I'm not aware of any hardship to anyone, other than the veterans trying to get to the World War II memorial."
(Carly Fiorina, fired Hewlitt-Packard CEO and Republican presidential candidate, 1954 -   ) 

1 comment:

  1. "let them eat cake"? The elitists have gone so very far from 'main stream' they are clueless
