Thursday, September 10, 2015

Waving Buh-Bye to Bible-Waving Bigots- Condemned by Their Own Book

David Barton is an evangelical Christian conservative political activist and founder of WallBuilders, a Texas (of course!) based organization that promotes the belief that the authors of our Constitution never intended there to be a separation of church and state.

Responding to the Kim Davis circus, Mr. Barton said "The founding fathers made it real clear that the laws of God are higher than the laws of man... This is a law of God.  Man's law is not allowed to contradict God's law."

what eye thynk:  1 - Neither God, nor Jesus, nor His Holy Spirit nor any of the angels said anything about same-sex marriage, let alone laid down a law about it.

2 - The founding fathers most definitely did not make it clear that God's laws are higher than man's laws.  The Constitution doesn't even mention God, or the Bible, or religious faith in any form for that matter--not once, not even in passing, not even as an illusion; so, unless there is invisible ink on our nation's premier document that only Mr. Barton can read, I don't see where he gets his ideas. 

But, you know, just for the sake of argument, let's say Mr. Barton, Mr. Huckabee, Ms. Davis and anyone else who wants "in" is correct.  Following Deuteronomy could rid us of a lot of bigots currently camped in Far-right, Religious-land.  We might even be able to eliminate enough of them that we could begin restoring some semblance of reasonableness and rationality into the discussion of religion and law in the U.S. today.

Sometimes it's just too easy.

1 comment:

  1. If Davis wants to live by God's authority, perhaps she should have God pay her salary instead of the taxpayers she is screwing over.
