Saturday, September 12, 2015

Irony: Blessed to Live in a Democracy, Coveting a Theocracy

(Any underlines are mine.)

"Kim Davis is the new face of the religious right:  Angry, marginalized and increasingly desperate...

...Some supporters...are claiming that Davis (just) wants an 'accommodation' for her religious beliefs.  This is, to put it bluntly, a lie.  Davis was offered such an accommodation and told that she doesn't have to personally issue the licenses so long as her deputies were allowed to do so.  She declined that compromise, insisting that she be able to actually prevent same-sex couples from getting licenses in her county altogether.

What Davis is asking for is not an accommodation at all, but for the right to declare, by fiat, that Rowan County, Kentucky, is a mini-theocracy not beholden to the laws of the land, but by the whims of Kim Davis.  Her legal team wants you to see her as a sweet but faithful woman, but in fact she's trying to pull a coup here, claiming that 'God's authority'--read Kim Davis's authority--trumps our entire democratic system.

It's not just her, either. Rena Lindevaldsen, who works for the Liberty Counsel, which is handling Davis's case, has taken to boldly arguing that Christians have the right to overthrow the democratically elected government and simply impose their will by fiat.  'Whether it's zoning or taxes or marriage or abortion, in those issues, government doesn't have authority to say that these things are appropriate because they're contrary to Scripture.'"

eye'm thynkin':  It is only because these "Christians" live under a Western style democracy that they are free to advocate anarchy as a means of creating a theocracy.  Irony in its purest sense.

Read more at Salon

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Aytch Christ ~ a portion of the south wants to secede again! What part of UNITED States don't they get?
