Friday, October 9, 2015

Ben Carson, the Bravest Man in the Free World!

"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has waded deeper into a row over gun control by claiming that Jewish people in Nazi Germany might have been able to prevent the Holocaust if they had been armed...

... CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked him: 'Just clarify, if there had been no gun control laws in Europe at that time, would six million Jews have been slaughtered?'

Carson replied: 'I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed... I'm tell you that there is a reason that these dictatorial people take the guns first.'"

The article continues on to other interviews where Mr. Carson spoke of and then elaborated on his claim that, had he been in Oregon last week, he would have been a hero.

"(He) told Fox News: 'Not only would I probably not cooperate with him, I would not just stand there and let him shoot me... I would say, "Hey guys, everybody attack him.  He may shoot me, but he can't get us all.'"

However, Carson's gung-ho attitude was undermined by a story he shared with SiriusXM radio on Thursday, in which he recalled being threatened with a gun in a Popeyes chicken restaurant in Baltimore on an unspecified date.

'The guy comes in, put a gun in my ribs,' Carson said.  'And I just said, "I believe that you want the guy behind the counter"... I redirected him.'

What happened to the person behind the counter was not elaborated upon.  Baltimore police department said 'there was not enough info to identify a police report in reference to the incident.  Date and location would assist in locating report.'"

eye'm thynkin':  My bulls**t meter is clanging big time.  

Mr. Carson seems to need to outdo himself every time he opens his mouth.  First he would not "just let him shoot me," next he would have encouraged "everybody attack him."  Now he's braver than all the Jews in Germany! 

When people responded that no one can know what they would do in a situation like Oregon, he suddenly remembers, "Oh, yeah, I actually did do something similar once.  Let me tell you about it so you can be impressed with my clear thinking and bravery."  (I love the way that he thinks telling the mystery gunman to go kill someone else is an action to be admired.)

Mr. Carson surely must remember the location of this extreme display of courage, so please, will some reporter call him on this and ask where it was that he chose to throw someone else under the bus to save his own butt?  I'd love to hear about that.  

I'd also like to hear him explain how his Popeye's chicken story demonstrates his readiness to lead the free world and how he will single-handedly save all the Christians in America with his trigger finger tied behind his back. Really, I would.

Read more at The Guardian

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