Saturday, October 24, 2015

Scott Walker Signs Law That Protects Dirty Politicians

"Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker on Friday signed a bill into law that prohibits prosecutors from using the state's secret investigation law to probe political crimes--a measure used to convict four of his aides and investigate his campaign...

...Under the legislation Walker signed, prosecutors can no longer use the law to investigate cases of bribery or political misconduct...

...The Republican-led state Senate and Assembly approved the measure along party lines during the last several days."

eye'm thynkin':  Because who needs to waste time prosecuting dirty politicians, right?  Really, when was the last time a politician was convicted, or even charged, with any unlawful shenanigans?   Oh, yeah...hmmmm.

Well, at least Mr. Walker saved his own butt in the future.  Too bad about those aides of his though.

Read more at Yahoo News

1 comment:

  1. Very typical of Walker. Since now, Wisconsin seems to be wholly owned by the koch brothers and walker.
