Friday, October 30, 2015

Fact Checking the GOP: Trump is Self-Funding--Sort Of

The Statement:

Back in June when Donald Trump announced his candidacy, he said, "I don't need anybody's money.  I'm using my own money... I'm not using donors.  I don't care.  I'm really rich."  His self-funding claim has become part of his campaign schtick:  No one tells The Donald what to do because The Donald doesn't need their money.  Just last week in Las Vegas: "I'm self-funding my own campaign...I don't think I get enough credit for self-funding."

The Facts:

what eye thynk:  Campaign financial reports filed with the Federal Election Commission would seem to indicate a typical case of Trum-perbole in his self-funding claim.

The first report, filed earlier this year, showed Trump had $1.9 million in his war chest--nearly all of that was money he had LOANED to his campaign.  Campaign law allows candidates to pay themselves back with raised funds at anytime.  That $1.9 million could be seen as 100 percent self-funding--or not.

The latest campaign financial filing, this one dated October 15, indicates that Mr. Combover is, in fact, playing a bit loose with the truth.  According to the report, the Trump campaign has raised $3.7 million from 73,942 "unsolicited donations."  During this reporting period, Trump himself has made $100,000 in-kind contributions to fund his campaign--hardly an open and shut case for self-funding.

At the same time, Mr. Trump is working campaign laws to keep his campaign expenses flowing back into Trump business accounts.  According to the October report, Trump Tower Commercial LLC, Trump Restaurants LLC, and the Trump Corp. have all received what Politico calls "significant" payments from Mr. Trump's campaign.

Moving money from one pocket to the other, loaning money that he can reclaim at any time--you can't help but admire his business chutzpah.   His honesty is another matter.  He has given (or loaned) large amounts to his campaign--but those amounts are still less than the amounts coming from donors--those would be the donors he claimed he was "not using."

M'eye Verdict:

Without evidence that he intends to reclaim his original $1.9 million loan, I can't call him a complete sleaze-bag; but the obvious drop-off in personal contributions in the most recent quarter, his funneling of donor funds back into his own pocket, and his continuing claim of 100 percent self-funding still earn Mr. Trump 3 out of 5 Gops.

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