Saturday, January 2, 2016

And the Stupid Gun Owner of the Day Award Goes to...

"A Union (South Carolina) man suffered a gunshot wound after he sat on a gun...

...When a police officer arrived on the scene, he said he found a man lying on the floor in a bedroom with a gunshot wound to the left leg...

...The officer then asked the man where the gun was, and he told him someone left with it but he didn't know who it was...

...According to the police report, the man told the officer he got out of the shower, sat down in the chair, and the gun went off...

...To reiterate, the man claims he was taking a shower, then sat on a chair and accidentally shot himself.  Meanwhile, someone he doesn't know just happened to be strolling by his bathroom or bedroom and took the gun."

eye'm thynkin':  If this is one of those good guys who we're supposed to count on to keep us safe, I would suggest that the people of Union, South Carolina are in danger of total annihilation.

Read more at Freak Out Nation

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